Angular 19 and NgRX 18 – Redux with Signals

Main Speaker

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Daily seminar


Daniel Hotel, 60 Ramat Yam st. Herzliya


Angular embraces reactive and functional programming, but RxJS has a steep learning curve that can challenge newcomers. Those who learn it find it an elegant solution for developing web apps. Redux extends reactivity with state management, making data changes predictable and traceable, with tools like time travel debugging. NgRx-Effects take this even further.

  With Angular v16, Signals introduced a simpler way to create reactive code, and they quickly became the foundation for future versions. NgRx 17 brought the Signal Store—a fully signal-based, lightweight, and highly extensible state solution. It represents the most effective and powerful approach to managing state with signals, elevating signal-based programming to its full potential in Angular.

In this session, we’ll recap Redux with “ngrx/store” and “ngrx/store-devtools,” explore the power of effects with RxJS, and dive deep into the Signal Store. We’ll see how easily it can be used at both global and component levels, and how to extend it with Custom Features.

Who Should Attend

  • Angular programmers, team leaders, technology officers who would like to be introduced to redux and learn the best paradigm for complex angular applications.
  • Developers familiar with NgRx and would like to use it in the modern angular paradigms.


  • Some familiarity and experience in Angular
  • RxJS and NgRx – Recommendedbut optional

Course Contents

Redux using NgRx  
  • Some quick theory about Redux, Functional programming and Reactivity
  • The NgRx store: State, Store, Actions, Selectors and Reducers
  • Advanced – Action Groups and Features
  Effects in NgRx store  
  • What is an NgRx effect
  • Simplifing effects using “functional effects” in NgRx 16+
  Working with Signals in Angular and NgRX  
  • Using NgRx/Signals – The signal state and deep signal
  • Introduction to Signal Stores
  • Working with state, computed, methods and hooks
  • New in v18 – private methods and state
  • Adding custom features to signal store.

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